Format of my auto text has changed - help!



I'm not a programmer, so I need an "answer for dummies," please. :) When I
begin to type a date in Word 2003, Word intuitively completes today's date.
Until this morning the format was always one that I prefer: October 18,
2007, for example. Today for the first time, when I began to type in
Oct...anticipating the auto-fill from MS, instead it produced the date in
this format: 10-18-07. I couldn't figure out where to go to get it back to
my original format. Anybody know how?? Thanks so much!



I'd still be interested if anyone knows why this happened, but I wanted to
add that I tried "Computer Solution #1" in my repertoire--I cancelled out of
Word, rebooted my computer, and voila! my old format for dates and
auto-complete had been restored.


Stefan Blom

Generally speaking, the date format suggested by AutoComplete depends on the
language at the insertion point (and on the regional settings of Windows).

However, many people have seen unexpected results when Word tries to
AutoComplete dates. What you have noticed *could* be an explanation for this
(besides the language setting, that is).

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

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