Format of Yes/No mergefields from Access merged to Word



I have Yes/No values in my access database but when merging them to a word
document they don't come out with "Yes or No" wording they come out with
"True or False" wording, how can I reformat the mergefield to say "Yes or No"
from the database.


Hi sutton,

The True/False output in the mailmerge is because that's what's actually stored in your db. You can use an IF field in Word to do a
conversion. To do this, assuming your problem mergefield is '«YesNo»' and 'True' = 'Yes':
.. select your problem mergefield and press Ctrl-F9 to enclose it in a new field, thus {«YesNo»};
.. fill in around the new field braces thus, paying careful attention to the spacing {IF«YesNo»= "True" "Yes" "No"};
.. position the cursor anywhere in this field and press F9 to update it;
.. run your mailmerge.

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