Format Painter in Word 2007 SP1



Several posts have talked about format painter double click "not sticking" in
Word 2007. I have the same problem whenever a document contains a header or
footer with a page number selected from the page number gallery. Once you
insert the page number, the format painter double click goes away on its own
after you apply it once. But much worse, it also goes away if you scroll - by
mouse or keyboard - just a little bit in the document (about a page). This is
incredibly annoying.

Fortunately, the workaround is quite simple: insert a page number field
manually via Quick Parts instead of the gallery.

The problem occurs consistently on 2 machines I tried, both running Word
2007 SP1. I believe the problem actually started happening with SP1.

This problem is NOT corrected by deleting normal.dotm and even happens in
safe mode if the page number header/footer was previously added (galleries
are not enabled in safe mode).

Bottom line: to me this looks like a bug, but I would be interested to see
if it also happens to other people or perhaps something is corrupted in my
galleries somehow.

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