Edwin Herrmann
when I delete from "HelloWorld<Space><Crlf>" the part "HelloWorld" and then insert a formatted text like "NewText" (bold or underlined or whatever), Word automatically takes over the format of "NewText" to <Space><Crlf> => EVERYTHING is now formatted instead of just "NewText"
Does anyone know how to switch this annoying word behaviour off? I use this in VBA and this behaviour results in errors
Thanks in advance
when I delete from "HelloWorld<Space><Crlf>" the part "HelloWorld" and then insert a formatted text like "NewText" (bold or underlined or whatever), Word automatically takes over the format of "NewText" to <Space><Crlf> => EVERYTHING is now formatted instead of just "NewText"
Does anyone know how to switch this annoying word behaviour off? I use this in VBA and this behaviour results in errors
Thanks in advance