Format Question on Memo Field


Joe Cilinceon

Problem 1

I have a Tenant table that is linked by a CustNo field to a TenantNotes. Now
the TenantNotes has 4 fields as follows:

Priority (check box True/False)
Note (Memo field)

I would like to have the Note field on the form to have a yellow background
with bold text when the Priority field is true on the Notes subform.

Problem 2

Now the above is part of a Main Tenant form that is tabbed. I can simple
click on a tab to perform a given function in regards the current selected
tenant. All of this is working fine. I would also like to add a field that
will be visible stating there are Priority Notes if there are any for the
current Tenant.

I had this working early in the development of the program (a year ago) but
have changed the note field from a Text field to a Memo so I wasn't limited
on the length of the note.

I hope this is clean and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Joe Cilinceon

Marshall said:
For problem 1, check out the Conditional Formatting feature
on the Format menu.

Problem 2 might be more complicated. Let's try adding a
text box named txtPrioityCount to the notes subform's footer
section (make the footer invisible if you have no other use
for it). Set the text box's control source expression to
something like =Abs(Sum(Priority))

Now add a text box to the main form using a control source
expression like:
=IIf(notessubform.Form.txtPrioityCount,"Priority Notes","")

If you set this main form text box's BackStyle property to
Transparent, it will appear to be invisible.

Thanks Marshall I will set up problem 2 like you said. I had tried DLookup
but that only works partially. As for the Conditional Formatting I have
another question. How do I setup a condition on the memo field based on the
priority field. I'm not sure how I would write that into the Conditional
formatting form.

Joe Cilinceon

Joe said:
Thanks Marshall I will set up problem 2 like you said. I had tried
DLookup but that only works partially. As for the Conditional
Formatting I have another question. How do I setup a condition on the
memo field based on the priority field. I'm not sure how I would
write that into the Conditional formatting form.

Great Problem 2 is solved and working perfectly. Now I'm working on
highlighting the memo itself when priority is set on. Thanks again Marshall.

Marshall Barton

Joe said:
Thanks Marshall I got it working perfectly now.

Hey, that's great. And all in only a half hour!

You didn't even give me any time to answer your two followup
questions before you figured it out for yourself ;-)

Joe Cilinceon

Marshall said:
Hey, that's great. And all in only a half hour!

You didn't even give me any time to answer your two followup
questions before you figured it out for yourself ;-)

LOL yes I've been know to do that from time to time.

When I started writing this program, I was advised to purchase a program to
do what this one does (Mini Storage rental program) as it would take years
to do. Well I started it took me 1 month to get it up and running. I've been
adding bells and whistles ever since. g

Marshall Barton

Joe said:
LOL yes I've been know to do that from time to time.

When I started writing this program, I was advised to purchase a program to
do what this one does (Mini Storage rental program) as it would take years
to do. Well I started it took me 1 month to get it up and running. I've been
adding bells and whistles ever since. g

I am impressed with that kind of progress. Way to go, Joe!

Be careful though. If you keep this up, you're liable to
make our little toy database look like a serious development
tool ;-))

Joe Cilinceon

Marshall said:
Be careful though. If you keep this up, you're liable to
make our little toy database look like a serious development
tool ;-))

LOL, Well let me see now. Out of the top 10 programs for my field (Mini
Storage Management) 8 are written in using Access databases. I can't say the
front ends are but would guess they are for most part. The other 2 are for
Internet only and I have no idea what they are written in.

The average prices for one of these programs are about $3000. We just
didn't have the money in the budget last year to invest in a computer and a
program. So it was either continue to work with paper ledgers, hand
receipts, etc or come up with something using what I had on hand. We did buy
a new computer and I own a registered copy of Office XP Developers version
so how hard could it be to do.

In all honesty though I do have some database development experience
(Clipper for DOS) as well as a lot of programming experience. I'm a retired
system analyst. I also have lots of time to invest in this project since the
property doesn't require my full attention in the course of an 8 hour work

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