Format text toolbar - text style Visio 2003



I cannot get the text style list on this toolbar to have much effect on text.
For example if I create standalone text, and apply "Basic Shadow" to it
there is no effect. I can apply a drop shadow through Format>Shadow menu
option but what is going on with this particular list on the Format Text

Paul Herber

I cannot get the text style list on this toolbar to have much effect on text.
For example if I create standalone text, and apply "Basic Shadow" to it
there is no effect. I can apply a drop shadow through Format>Shadow menu
option but what is going on with this particular list on the Format Text

You can set the style to produce various text, line and fill formats
but it cannot do shadow effect on shapes and there is no text shadow
effect in Visio.
I don't know why it's called Text Shadow.
Anyway, Styles have been removed from Visio 2007, replaced by Themes.



Hi, amboise

You can add tool button "Shadow Color".
Right click at the tool bar area, select "User Settings" at the bottom.
Open "Command" tab, Select "Shape Format".
Drag the "Shadow Color" button to the tool bar "Text Format".

If the text block has no background, "Shadow Color" gives the text shadow.

Best Regards.

Paul Herber

If the text block has no background, "Shadow Color" gives the text shadow.

So it does! As the shadow text only appears when the shape has no fill
then it appears to be more of a bug than a feature.


JuneTheSecond's comments apply equally to V2003 and V2007. Paul, it's a
"feature". :) Turns out the shadow fill and shadow text are the same color.
Fill trumps text. Guess no one thought a user might want both shadow fill
and text, and thus need independent colors for both. Work around would be
two overlayed shapes, one for fill and one for text shadowing.


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