No, you don't need separate fields. ACCESS stores dates as a number, and you
can change how the date is displayed (as you're seeing). The suggestion from
Dave is correct -- use functions to parse the data into your desired pieces.
ACCESS stores a time with each date as well; if you only stored a date, the
time is 12 midnight.
(A date and time value is stored this way: Date.Time
where Date is the integer portion of the double-precision number,
and Time is the decimal portion of the number.
Date is the number of days since 12/31/1899. Time is the fraction of
a 24-hour day for the time value (midnight is .0 and noon is .5 etc.)
When you export the date, ACCESS likely is using the standard Jet format,
which is the US format. You can write a query that uses the Format function
to override this and export it as UK format if you wish. Just replace the
DateField in the query with a calculated field:
UKDate: Format([DateField], "dd/mm/yyyy")
Ken Snell
Nick Pedder said:
Thanks for responding.
Would this require me to have seperate fields in the table for day, date & year?
I already have a considerable quantity of data so would prefer to avoid
this method. It is odd, because when I first began using the database this
problem was not apparent. It only happened after new year (whether this is
coincidence, I am not sure)
Also when I merge information from access into word, if only one record
out of a maximum of 4 is present, the date merge field associated with the
records which are not present appears as 1200am. Again this has only
happened since the new year.