Formating a decimal number



I have a 2003 EXCEL.
I want to average two decimal number number like 0.234 and 0.225. It is
impossible with the formating protocol. Can any body help me to do this?

David Biddulph

I think you're going to have to explain the problem in more detail.
With those two numbers in A2 and A3, the formula =AVERAGE(A2:A3) gives the
answer 0.2295. It shows it that way with the cell formatted as General. If
you want to format as number with 5 decimal places, you can do so, and then
see 0.22950. What are you trying to achieve, how did you try to do it, and
what result did you get?


JohnJJ said:
I have a 2003 EXCEL.
I want to average two decimal number number like 0.234 and 0.225. It is
impossible with the formating protocol. Can any body help me to do this?

In the format cell I have general with the sample showing DIV/0.I fixed the
decimal number with 5 without result .
I don't know if I need to regulate some command in my cumputer.

David Biddulph

It sounds as if your "numbers" are not numbers but text.

If you've got one of the "numbers" in A2, what do =ISNUMBER(A2) and
=ISTEXT(A2) tell you?
You may have spaces or non-breaking spaces along with your "numbers". If
you are lucky, you may be able to change the text to numbers by copying a
blank cell, then selecting your range of text and using Edit/ Paste Special/

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