Formating - Conditional



Basically, I am trying to create timelines for a project with each row
indicating an element of work.
So for example, in Row 6 Col A, I enter a text description, Col B would

have a number input (from 1 to 10 or larger), Col C would require an
inputed start date, Col D an inputed end date, Col E some other
information and starting from Col F to the end of the row (Col IV) -
i.e. sequential dates - I need to be able to see the time line, the
colour of which would depend on the number inputed in Col B.
Example, Col A would be "Initiate project", Col B "1", Col C
"3/6/2006", Col D "5/6/2006" and Col E has a formula calculating the
number of days between start and end dates. Then if I started the time
line from the 1/6/2006, the cells Col F & G would be blank, those in
Col's H to J would be solid colour (colour depending on the input in
Col B) and from Col K to Col IV also blank.
I need to repeat the timeline from row's 2 downwards.
I hope my description of the spreadsheet is a bit clearer than mud!!
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