Formating Dates



I need to update a list of dates to show all days as 01. For example, where
date shows 03/28/2009, I need it to read 03/01/2009. I appreciate any

Ron Rosenfeld

I need to update a list of dates to show all days as 01. For example, where
date shows 03/28/2009, I need it to read 03/01/2009. I appreciate any

If you want to convert the dates to the first of the month, then, with your
date in A1:


If you want to leave the date as is, but merely have display as mm/01/yyyy

Then custom format: mm"/01/"yyyy


Luke M

With the Analysis ToolPak add-in installed:

W/o add-in:

Gary''s Student

With dates in column A, In B1 enter:

=DATE(YEAR(A1),MONTH(A1),1) and copy down

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