Formating decimal places in an unbound field



Hi, I have an unvound control which contains some text as well as the
following code:
& [Score]*100/[MaxMarks] & "
How do I restrict the calculation above to 0 places of decimal. i tried
setting the control properties, but that seems to have no effect


Stefan Hoffmann

hi Alex,
Hi, I have an unvound control which contains some text as well as the
following code:
& [Score]*100/[MaxMarks] & "
How do I restrict the calculation above to 0 places of decimal. i tried
setting the control properties, but that seems to have no effect
Of course, as a string can't be formatted.

Use the CInt(), Int() or Fix() function, e.g.

--> stefan <--

Marshall Barton

Alex said:
Hi, I have an unvound control which contains some text as well as the
following code:
& [Score]*100/[MaxMarks] & "
How do I restrict the calculation above to 0 places of decimal. i tried
setting the control properties, but that seems to have no effect

Use the Format function to get whatever formatting you want:

.... & Format(Score*100/MaxMarks, "#,##0") & ...

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