Novice Teacher
Can anyone help me prepare a Word document that looks like this wordpad
1. The term drug:
A. comes from the Dutch word droog
B. refers to dried herbs, the first medicines
C. comes from the Greek work Aparthakon
D. comes from the word "drunk"
E. the first two choices are both correct
ans: E
weight: 1
category: ONE01
2. We often refer to illicit drugs as illicit medicines?
A. true
B. false
ans: B
weight: 1
category: ONE01
3. The term <i><b>pharmacodynamics</i></b> refers to:
A. the molecular structure of a drugs
B. drug toxicity
C. drug effects
D. drug levels based on time, distribution, and dosage
E. the origin of drugs
ans: C
weight: 1
category: ONE02
etc., etc.
I'm would like to sometimes insert a new questions without having to go
through all of my test questions and manually change the number (the first
level). I believe I have 3 levels: 1.
But I can't seem to be able to "define" a multi level template the way I
want it. If I could get this template set up, it would help with all of my
tests (that have to be in this format to upload to an online testing program.
1. The term drug:
A. comes from the Dutch word droog
B. refers to dried herbs, the first medicines
C. comes from the Greek work Aparthakon
D. comes from the word "drunk"
E. the first two choices are both correct
ans: E
weight: 1
category: ONE01
2. We often refer to illicit drugs as illicit medicines?
A. true
B. false
ans: B
weight: 1
category: ONE01
3. The term <i><b>pharmacodynamics</i></b> refers to:
A. the molecular structure of a drugs
B. drug toxicity
C. drug effects
D. drug levels based on time, distribution, and dosage
E. the origin of drugs
ans: C
weight: 1
category: ONE02
etc., etc.
I'm would like to sometimes insert a new questions without having to go
through all of my test questions and manually change the number (the first
level). I believe I have 3 levels: 1.
But I can't seem to be able to "define" a multi level template the way I
want it. If I could get this template set up, it would help with all of my
tests (that have to be in this format to upload to an online testing program.