formating paragraphs



I have some doc files that contains text and it look like this above.


CRAWFORD, Texas - Thousands
of Iraq war supporters and
protesters held competing rallies
Saturday outside President Bush's Texas
ranch as he warned Americans
to brace for additional
sacrifice in Iraq.

With almost 1,900 U.S.
troops killed in the Iraq war,
Bush's job approval rating
has plummeted to new lows. He is
under increasing pressure from
critics to finish training a new
Iraqi security force and
bring the soldiers home.

But in his weekly radio address,
Bush acknowledged there was
more work ahead for
American soldiers in Iraq.""

I want to automaticaly format this text to look like this:


CRAWFORD, Texas - Thousands of Iraq war supporters and protesters held
competing rallies Saturday outside President Bush's Texas ranch as he warned
Americans to brace for additional sacrifice in Iraq.

With almost 1,900 U.S. troops killed in the Iraq war, Bush's job approval
rating has plummeted to new lows. He is under increasing pressure from
critics to finish training a new Iraqi security force and bring the soldiers

But in his weekly radio address, Bush acknowledged there was more work ahead
for American soldiers in Iraq.""

The think, what i want , is to extent all the paragraphs to fit the page and
not change line after 5 or 6 words as it is appears now.

Any help


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