formating problems



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

the thing is that when i want to copy a text with an specific format, for example a poem, the program fits it to the size of the page don't know if you understand me so i'll put an example

la vida es bellisima
y mia es la vida
porque aquella mujer
no me quiso nunca

and when i copy that to word i apears like this:

la vida es bellisima y mia es la vida porque aquella mujer no me quiso nunca

this represents a problem and i don't know what to do


Most likely it's a matter of where you're copying it *from* ‹ my guess would
be a web page or some other source where the text flow is controlled by the
width of the "container" the text is constrained to. What appears to be line
breaks or paragraph breaks actually are just the result of the lines
wrapping within the container.

You could paste into a text box or a table cell but I tend to think that
would cause more problems than it would cure. You're probably better off to
put in line breaks (Shift+Return) in the appropriate spots.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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