Formating signed numbers in a fixed file with Crystal Reports 10



I need to format a number into a string with a set number of character
spaces and include a sign if it is negative without increasing the
number of character spaces. I am combining several formulas in to one
formula field called line.

here is my formula field for amount...

Cstr ( (
(1stnum - 2ndnum)
), "0000.00, 2, ',' , '.')

here is an example of the formula field line

{@whatever}+' '+{@ammount}+' '+{@lastformula}

this results in ...

some text and 0023.45 Some more text
less words 0045.56 Other stuff
Here is problem -0034.56 ends up one character over
back to normal 0002.45 and fixed location is ok again

this is for a fixed file that needs to be imported else where so the
spacing is required.

Any ideas would be a helpful thanks

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