Please can some one tell how to enlarge mt text, bold it and may draw a line
top and botton of the "Written Text, please see my example,
IIf(Len(nz([Out Going]))=0,Null,[Out Going] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) &
Chr(10)) & "TOTAL OUT GOINGâ€
I only what TOTAL OUT GOING to be resized and lines top and bottom
Please can some one tell how to enlarge mt text, bold it and may draw a line
top and botton of the "Written Text, please see my example,
IIf(Len(nz([Out Going]))=0,Null,[Out Going] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) &
Chr(10)) & "TOTAL OUT GOINGâ€
I only what TOTAL OUT GOING to be resized and lines top and bottom