formatting a page



I am writing an academic thesis and my advisor has
requested that my page margins be 1 1/2 and the page
numbers at 1 1/4. The page numbers are at the top right.
I can get them 1 1/4 from the top, but I can't figure out
how to get them 1 1/4 from the right edge. How do I do
this with out change the page margin from 1 1/2?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If this is even what the specification is (and I wonder), give the header
paragraph a 0.25" negative right indent. That, combined with a 1.25" header
margin, should work provided you insert the page number in the header itself
(using the Insert Page Number button on the Header and Footer toolbar). I
doubt that it will have any effect on numbers inserted using Insert | Page
Numbers. See



Set your margins for 1 1/2, then make sure you can see the
ruler. If it's not already visible, make it visible by
selecting "View / Ruler."

Then select "View / Header and Footer."

Finally, there is a little triangle in the ruler over near
the right margin. It's called the "right indent." Move it
to the right 1/4 inch. You can insert your page numbers
there, and it will not effect the margins that apply to
the body of your document.

That's it.

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