Formatting a Table generated thru a DATABASE Switch



Hello All:
Please let me know if anyone has encountered this situation or has a
solution for it. We are using a DATABASE Switch to fill/generate a
table withing a Mail Merge letter. The table varies in the number of
records it produces for a particular letter. Specifically, we are
trying to right align the second column. (2 column table) Below is
the code being used.

{DATABASE \d "I:\\Letters.mdb" \c "TABLE tblCAPs" \s "SELECT [Name],
[Amt] FROM [tblCAPs] WHERE CD = {CD} \h}

When using this code the table is formatted automatically and left
aligned. I've tried using /*MERGEFORMAT and right aligning the
column. This works until the number of records starts changing.

That's pretty much the gist of it. Thanks in advance for any help.

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