Formatting Access Report



It is possible to create a report with days of the week going across the top
of a report. Example would be a time card with M, T, W, Th, F, S, S across
the top and underneath the day of the week-displaying the number of hours an
employee worked i.e. reg hours, overtime hours and double time hours for each
day worked; and then a column displaying the accounting code that the hours
worked were charged to; then summing the totals at the end of the row for reg
hours, overtime hours and double time hours for the week; and finally,
summing the total reg hours, overtime hours and double time hours for the
week as a last row of the report?

I can email a sample of what I'm trying to accomplish if I did not make
myself perfectly clear.

Thanks for any and all help!
Weary Access Time Keeper

John Spencer

It is possible. It is hard to say exactly how as you have not shared
anything about your data structure.

Take a look at using a crosstab query as the source of your report.

Duane Hookom

I have to agree with John that you have asked for a lot but not provided
much in terms of what you are starting with. It's kinda like asking a home
builder "can you build me a home from the materials I have" but not telling
the builder anything about your materials.

I expect you can create a report with 7 subreports similar to the calendar
report example at


Sorry for not providing more's what I'm working with
in my query based off of my tables 'Time Card Hours & Employees"

EmployeeNo (formatted to display employee name);
ClassID; DateWorked (formatted to display day of the week);
Project ID;
Cost Code (Accounting Code time worked is being charged to);
Reg Hours;
OT (overtime) Hours;
DT (double time) Hours


Is it possible to create a report with days of the week going across the top



Thanks. I did take a look at the link and I haven't played around with it
yet. I also tried the CrossTab query and it would work if I did not also have
to include with the Reg Hours- Overtime and Double time hours, since the
Crosstab query only allows for 3 rows and 1 heading. But I will play around
with your example and see if that will work for me.

Thanks again for your assistance!


Dear John,

Thanks for your response...I did try the Crosstab query and it would work
but in this report there are Reg Hours, Overtime and Double Time. The
Crosstab only allows for 3 rows and 1 column heading since I have to include
all the hours it just doesn't work.

Example of Data
EmployeeNo (formatted to display employee name);
ClassID; DateWorked (formatted to display day of the week);
Project ID; (may include multiple projects where employee worked)
Cost Code (Accounting Code time worked is being charged to; also includes
multiple codes ex: any number of hours totaling 8 distributed under multiple
cost codes which includes OT, and DT);
Reg Hours;
OT (overtime) Hours;
DT (double time) Hours

Again, thanks for your response.

Duane Hookom

Sorry about that. It looks like my former employer has removed all of the
samples I had created. It has been almost 5 years since I worked there.

I will try to get some samples posted on Roger Carlson's site or get my own
up and running.

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