Barb Miles
Can anyone tell me why a document that has field codes related to a table of
contents would look like this?
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-2" \h \z HYPERLINK \l "_Toc113783156"
1. Introduction PAGEREF _Toc113783156 \h 5
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc113783157" 1.1 Summary PAGEREF _Toc113783157 \h 5
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc113783158" Overview PAGEREF _Toc113783158 \h 5
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc113783159" 1.2 Purpose of this document PAGEREF
_Toc113783159 \h 5
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc113783160" 1.3 Scope PAGEREF _Toc113783160 \h 5
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc113783161" 1.4 Assumptions PAGEREF _Toc113783161 \h
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc113783162" 1.5 Constraints PAGEREF _Toc113783162 \h
If I do a (Shift) and (F9) the field codes do not turn on/off.
There are symbols in the document (specifically the footer) that look like a
thin rectangle. I cannot paste the symbol in this message.
Tables were removed from the document as well where there were simple tables
with single columns.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
contents would look like this?
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-2" \h \z HYPERLINK \l "_Toc113783156"
1. Introduction PAGEREF _Toc113783156 \h 5
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc113783157" 1.1 Summary PAGEREF _Toc113783157 \h 5
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc113783158" Overview PAGEREF _Toc113783158 \h 5
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc113783159" 1.2 Purpose of this document PAGEREF
_Toc113783159 \h 5
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc113783160" 1.3 Scope PAGEREF _Toc113783160 \h 5
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc113783161" 1.4 Assumptions PAGEREF _Toc113783161 \h
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc113783162" 1.5 Constraints PAGEREF _Toc113783162 \h
If I do a (Shift) and (F9) the field codes do not turn on/off.
There are symbols in the document (specifically the footer) that look like a
thin rectangle. I cannot paste the symbol in this message.
Tables were removed from the document as well where there were simple tables
with single columns.
Any ideas would be appreciated.