Formatting Blank Page Automation Field?



Thanks for the link. I can't seem to reply to your message and continue the
thread. Therefore, I guess I have no choice but to start another thread.

I downloaded the demo file and tried it out. However, I hope someone out
there can let me know how to apply my own formatting to this field.
Currently, the auto generated notice, "This Page Is Intentionally Blank"
appears on the top of the page. I would like it to appear on the center of
the page as BOLD, Arial 14 Pt. and Centered. How can I apply such formatting
to the field shown below:

{ IF{ =MOD({ PAGE },2)}= 0 " " "[page break]This page is intentionally
blank." }

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hi Binar
I downloaded the demo file and tried it out. However, I hope someone out
there can let me know how to apply my own formatting to this field.
Currently, the auto generated notice, "This Page Is Intentionally Blank"
appears on the top of the page. I would like it to appear on the center of
the page as BOLD, Arial 14 Pt. and Centered. How can I apply such formatting
to the field shown below:

{ IF{ =MOD({ PAGE },2)}= 0 " " "[page break]This page is intentionally
blank." }

I gather you're inserting this in the header? You could (first, very
crude solution) insert as many empty paragraphs (--> hit RETURN) as you
need right after the page break. To display in the desired font, format
the whole field in that font and add a CHARFORMAT switch to it. I can't
seem to remember whether I've ever used this with an IF field, but it
should work. Look up the correct syntax in your offline help.


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