Formatting cell base on free form or standard inputs.



I am using a validation list as my primary selection (Part Family)
then a 2nd validation (base off family) for my sub list (Part Type).
Base on the data selected from “Family” and “Type” there are 2 to 12
attributes required.

Most of the attributes are free form, but, some are standard. I would
like to format the “Standard” cell to have validation list added. I
am working with 36 Primary selections, 1 to 10 secondary selections,
and 2 to 12 attributes. I started with IF’s it getting to be un-

Can some recommend a different approach? Also, was told that and
array is the way to go, but, I have never used array before… Can some
one help???

Thanks you in advance for any and all help with this matter…


G'day Bob

I suggest you use a combobox and lay it over the cell in question, that way
you can pull the data from the combobox or enter it manually.

Data validation lists won't allow you to do this, which will suit standard

Try Debra Dalgliesh's website

She has a really good section on Multiple Data validations.


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