Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) How do I format cell so that I do not have to type in decimal point yet number appears with decimal point in the cell?


Exactly how do you expect the program to know where to put the decimal
point? If you're willing to *always* enter the content to include the
necessary number of following digits (including zeroes) you can change the
Excel> Preferences - Edit setting to activate "Display this number of
decimal places". Once it is activated an entry of 1234 will automatically be
stored & displayed as 12.34 if you have it set for "2 places" or 1.234 if
you have it set for 3 places, etc.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Thank you for the prompt reply... I don't expect the program to know where...I would like help in setting it up so that it always defaults to two decimal points when I enter any number ( I should have made that clearer in my question!)... I went to Excel>Format>Cell>Number and tried different selections( general, number, accounting,etc.) with "2" in decimal amount, but none seem to this what you mean by Excel>Preferences? If not, would you kindly explain where I would locate it?


No, it isn't a Format option. It's a setting in the program's Preferences.

Open the Excel menu then select Preferences (or use the Command+, keystroke)
to open the Preferences dialog window. Click EDIT in the Authoring group.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Got it! Thank you!! One more thing if I may, if I want to override this preference in a particular column and be able to input numbers w/o decimal (but leave the rest of the spreadsheet with the 2 decimal preference), can it be done? If so, how?


No, it's a global setting for all sheets in all workbooks.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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