Sure. I use a spreadsheet with a number of calculations that all reference a
particular cell, for example A1. Cell A2 might be "=A1*640" or some other
value. A3 may equal some value times A1; other cells may reference A2 or A3.
The info I enter in A1 is usually a short formula, such as 33%*3/16 or
1/2*(1/8 - 1/16). For my purposes, looking at that formula is much more
helpful than seeing the decimal equivalent. What I want to do is format A1 to
print and display the formula (33%*3/16) or whatever, but still have all other
cells (A2, A3, etc) display their result rather than their formula.
So toggling between displaying all formulas is not a solution.
Is there a way to do this? It was simple to do in Quattro Pro.
Thanks for any help.
OK, you can't see the formula text in the cell whose formula is being
evaluated, but you certainly can see it in another cell. This is a little
tricky but will work fine in all versions of Excel. Assuming you enter the
formula whose text you wish to show in A1:
Go to Insert-Name-Define. Pick a name like "FormulaText" and enter this in
the names in workbook box. In the refers to section, enter
"=Get.cell(6,$a$1)", no quotes of course. Now in the cell where you wish to
see A1's formula's text enter the formula =formulatext
Note: if you want to see other cells' formula text also, then do not enter
the reference to A1 as absolute. Then any cell displaced from the cell where
you defined the name containing the exact same formula (=formulatext) will
display the formula text of the offset cell. So, if E6 was active when you
defined the name referring to A1, then placing =formulatext in E7 will
display the formula from A2, and in F7, the text of B2, etc.
I hope this helps