Formatting Cleaner?



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)

I know there's a formatting cleaner for PC's, but I can't find it for macs. Does it exist?


Perhaps there is a feature that does whatever it is that you're looking to
do, but it isn't known by that name - Mac or PC :) What exactly are you
trying to do? Where would you find this in Win Excel?... Which version?

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Ahhh... that's an add-in, not a standard feature. As the page you linked to
indicates it is "Windows Only" & AFAIK there is no Mac equivalent. Having
never used it I can't tell you anything more about it nor do I know of an
equivalent that will run on a Mac. I'm also a bit doubtful that that the
porgram you're referring to will enable the add-in to run properly in OS X -
unless you're actually using Windows in Boot Camp or one of the VM packages.

CrossOver may allow you to run it but I'm a bit leery of that too - make
sure you test it thoroughly before trying it on any meaningful copies of
your files.

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