Formatting Comments



In Word 97 (don't laugh), when inserting a comment, the
users initial appear in the main body of the text against
a background of a yellowy custard colour. Can this yellowy
colour be changed. Cant find a way, have even defined a
comments 'Style'. It seems you can change any aspect
other than the yellowy background. Please help.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

This is a Windows setting. In Control Panel | Display | Appearance, change
the color for "ToolTip." Note that this will affect your display only, not
that of any recipient of the document.


many thanks for your response which although
helpful, does not quite solve the problem. Should point
out here before I go any further, that in this case we are
using Windows 98 (not SE) and Word 97. The issue we have
with Word is when you click on Insert->Comment, the users
intials appear in the main body of the word document
highlighted in yellow. Your tooltip remedy allows the
colour of the box into which you subsequently enter the
comments to be changed, but the initial yellow 'inverse
video' highlighting remains. I know this sound bizarre,
but we have a customer who finds the yellow colour a bit
of a problem. Is there any way we can affect, what appears
to be, inbuilt highlighting?

Many thanks

Ian T.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I believe the highlighting does not show up if you have Highlight deselected
on the View tab of Tools | Options, but that is a setting that would have to
be made on the recipient's computer. Since I have used the Comments feature
very sparingly and no longer have Word 97 installed, it's possible I'm still
not addressing what you're talking about.

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