There are a few ways you could approach this, depending on how simple the
conversion algorithm is.
First, I would want to be sure that using a Hebrew-language enabled version
of Word would not let you do it. If it can, that might be your best bet.
You may be able to do the calculation in the data source (might be possible
if for example you are using a server such as SQl Server or Oracle, or can
use an Access Query. In the latter case, the algorithm either needs to be
expressible in a single VBA function that you can put in a query, or you
need to write a function in Access VBA module, reference it in an Access
query, and use the DDE connection method to open the data source).
If the algorithm requires no looping you might be able to do it just using
field calculations. macropod's Word document at
has pointers on how to do that although I don't think it currently has code
to do exactly what you need.
Again, if the algorithm can be expressed in a single, reasonably short, VBA
expression, you might be able to use a DATABASE field in Word to do the
calculation. If you search google groups for recent messages in this group
with Peter Jamieson DATABASE, you will probably find an article on how to do
Otherwise, you would need either to merge to an output document and
postprocess all the dates using VBA (in which case you need some way to
locate the dates, e.g. using "placehoder" characters, or you need to use VBA
MailMerge events to do the calculation for each data source record.
Peter Jamieson
Otherwise, you will