Formatting Dates



When you look at a cell in a workbook, the date is
displayed as mm/dd/yy (10/09/03). However, when you look
at the contents of the cell, the date is actually stored
as mm/d(d)/yy (10/9/2003).

How can I convert the 10/9/2003 date to 10/09/03. I can
manipulate it once it is in the correct format mm/dd/yy.

Thanks for the help.


The date 10-9-03 is in Excel is stored as a number ie 37874. This is the
number of days counted this century.
You can format this number any way you wish. Go Format Cells > Date and
pick which you want, or try Custom,
ddd dd mm yy, dddd,dd, mmmm, yyyy etc, try it out, you'll soon get the hang
of it.


'number of days counted this century'
Last century plus this century, sorry, showing my age!

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