When you look at a cell in a workbook, the date is
displayed as mm/dd/yy (10/09/03). However, when you look
at the contents of the cell, the date is actually stored
as mm/d(d)/yy (10/9/2003).
How can I convert the 10/9/2003 date to 10/09/03. I can
manipulate it once it is in the correct format mm/dd/yy.
Thanks for the help.
displayed as mm/dd/yy (10/09/03). However, when you look
at the contents of the cell, the date is actually stored
as mm/d(d)/yy (10/9/2003).
How can I convert the 10/9/2003 date to 10/09/03. I can
manipulate it once it is in the correct format mm/dd/yy.
Thanks for the help.