Formatting Formula Results



Here's what i'm looking at....

Col C Col D Col E
Row 9 08-28-06 2:28 PM 08-28-06 3:25 PM 0 days 0.95 hours

Col E is Derrived from this code -->
HolidayList,0)))),"0 days 0 hours", IF(INT(C9)=INT(D9), "0 days " &
ROUND(24*(D9-C9),2)&" hours ", MAX(NETWORKDAYS(C9+1,D9-1,HolidayList),0)+
(DayEnd-DayStart))/(24*(DayEnd-DayStart)))& " days
(24*DayEnd-(24*(C9-INT(C9)))),2), ROUND((24*(DayEnd-DayStart)),2))&" hours

I need Col E to be formatted like this..... 0 Days 9 Hours 16 Minutes

I keep trying to set the format of the cells by using this.... d" Days "h"
Hours "mm" Minutes"

What am I doing wrong and why is it showing decimal values???

I'm also trying to add the total of every tenth row by using this....

=IF(E9<>"",SUM(E9:E18),"") but for some reason it won't add, I keep getting

Please help.
Thanks in Advance,

Gary''s Student

If you have a cell containing the value:
as a time it is actually a little more than one day. Format the cell as:
Custom dd" days ":hh" hours ":mm" minutes "
and you will see:
01 days :05 hours :37 minutes

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