formatting help needed



I am doing some calculations using DSum. All is working fine but I am having
difficulty in getting the proper formatting. The formatting should be in
currency (dollars). The following line is the information that is displayed
on the form.

* materials is dimmed as string
* material_qty is dimmed as single
* material_shipped is dimmed as single

Forms!xSOItemCategorySummary.txtMaterial = "$" & materials & " ($" &
material_qty & " / $" & material_shipped & ")"

An example of how this line displays is (the slash is used as a separator,
not dividing: $20285.7 ($170000 / $149714.3)

I need to format this better and am struggling to do so. Can someone take a
look at this and help out.




I am doing some calculations using DSum. All is working fine but I am having
difficulty in getting the proper formatting. The formatting should be in
currency (dollars). The following line is the information that is displayed
on the form.

* materials is dimmed as string
* material_qty is dimmed as single
* material_shipped is dimmed as single

Forms!xSOItemCategorySummary.txtMaterial = "$" & materials & " ($" &
material_qty & " / $" & material_shipped & ")"

An example of how this line displays is (the slash is used as a separator,
not dividing: $20285.7 ($170000 / $149714.3)

I need to format this better and am struggling to do so. Can someone take a
look at this and help out.



Better than what you are now getting means nothing to us. We can't
read your mind.
Please post back with exactly how you wish to have the current data

Dale Fye


It would be easier to read if you used the Currency format. Something like:

Forms!formName.txtMaterial = Format(materials, "currency") _
& " (" & format(material_qty, "currency") _
& " / " & format(material_shipped, "currency") & ")"

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