Formatting Imported Data



I have program at work that I'm importing data from to an excel spreadsheet.
The program can't pull the data into the spreadsheet in the correct format
I'm looking for. It pulls the info into multiple rows and I need the info in
multiple rows. What is the easiest way to do this? I will show an example
of how the data pulls in and how I need it to look. Thanks in advance.

This is how the info pulls in:

Date Inv.# BL# Del. Name Stop Linehaul Stop Fuel Total $
9/1 123 345 KMart 1 $1000 $50 $100 $1200
9/1 123 987 Walmart 2 $1000 $50 $100 $1200

This is how I need it to look:
Date Inv# BL# Del Name 1 BL# Del Name 2 Linehaul Stop Fuel Total $
9/1 123 345 KMart 987 Walmart $1000 $100 $100

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