Formatting in this document is too complex




I am creating Word (2000) documents from an Access 2000 application using
VBA. After each statement that cause an Undo entry in the Undo list, I do an
Activedocument.UndoClear. Nevertheless, in some cases the Word application
request for saving of the document because of that the formatting of the
document has become too complex. I have found out the set the style (.style
=) cause the problem and I have tried to catch the error with DisplayAlerts =
false but still the message box is shown requesting for a full save.

What to do? Get the the style and loop through the style properties and set
them through code?

Thanks in advance!



One approach is periodically to save, close, and re-open the document. Kind
of brutal as a work-around, but effective for all that.


Yes - I have earlier used that approach. Is it anyway to force a autorecovery
save? That seems to cure the problem. Too lower the autorecover interval to
1 minutes is not an option.

"Jezebel" skrev:

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