Formatting Lost After PDF Conversion



My presentation uses text boxes (rather than standard placeholders) to
contain all text. Some text boxes are formatted for bullets.

Some, but only a few, of these text boxes lose their bulleted formatting
after using the PDF converter add-in. The resulting PDF displays the bulleted
text formatted correctly, but after the conversion, the PPT has lost the
bulleted formatting. (The indentation remains, but the bullet characters and
the first line indents are gone.)

Any clues or suggestions for finding the source of the problem?


I'm using Adobe's own Office plug-in. Thanks for your reply, but I found the
problem in the interim.

A few of my text boxes were actually placeholders (unintentionally), which
were "fighting" my formatting. I'm not sure why the problem only manifests
after conversion to PDF, but it probably has something to do with the interim
saving and refreshing of formatting that goes on.

Thanks again.

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