formatting Repeating Tables.



Is there no way to change the layout of repeating tables?
I am tasked to create a form in InfoPath that should have a table with the
following information:
Project Name | Project Sponsor | Estimated Completion Date |
Major Accomplishments This Week
Plans for Next Week

That's six fields. I created a data source for each, put them in the
repeating Group: Project. But when I add the group it puts all six fields in
a row. I want the first three fields in the first row (each to a cell) and
the following three fields to be subsequent rows 1 cell wide.

Josh Bertsch [MSFT]

When you insert the nodes from the data source pane, right click and it
should suggest to you to place them in a repeating group instead of a
repeating table. In either case (repeating table or section) you can
manipulate any layout by simply using layout tables. Create as many rows
and columns to display your data as you like. That structure displayed in
the Designer will repeat each time you insert a new item.

If a repeating section is not suggested when dragging over the "project"
group node, you may have set your schema up incorrectly. It should look
something similiar to:

- Projects (group)
|- Project (group repeating)
|- ProjName
|- ProjSponsor
|- EstCompDate
|- MajorAccomp
|- PlansNextWeek
|- Issues

Now when you drag "Projects" or "Project" over, it should suggest a
repeating group.

--josh bertsch

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