Formatting Reports


Steve Moody


I am working on formatting some reports in Access. I'm still somewhat new to
generating reports and have a couple of quick questions.

--How do I keep a record together? I have a phone list that puts a person's
name followed by a list of phone numbers for that person. But at the end of
my page, the report often kicks one or two of the phone numbers to the next
one. Can I get it to group the numbers with the name in such a way that it
will keep them on the same piece of paper?

--Is it possible to use columns in a report? So instead of going to the next
page, it will go to a second column on the same page? My list isn't wide
enough to cover the page, so I'm just trying to conserve space.


Steve Moody
(e-mail address removed)

ET Sherman


To keep the detail for a record together, first set the
report to group on the field that contains the person's
name and set the Keep Together property to Whole Group.
You can access the Sorting and Grouping options by
clicking on the Sorting/Grouping icon on the tool bar or
from the View menu select Sorting and Grouping.

To set multiple columns on the report see the File, Page
Setup, Columns Tab.

ET Sherman

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