Formatting RTF data in MS-Word using VB


Senthil kumar


I am doing a mail merge implementation in VB6.0.
I have a raw unformatted RTF data in my VB6.0 Application.
This need to be merged to a new word document. When the RTF
data (which contains Bold, italics, Underline, etc.,) is merged
I need the RTF to be formatted and displayed.

When I assign the text to the Selection.Text property of the
ActiveWindow it doesn't format it.

I even tried doing it using the Clipboard object. I copied it to the
Clipboard by calling the SetText method and giving the format as
and then when I tried to paste the contents from the clipboard by
calling the GetText method it pasted the raw unformatted RTF text in
the word document.

But when I open a new word document and press CTRL-V it gets pasted
with the formating done.

I am attaching a sample of the text which I need to format when
displayed in Word document.

MS Sans Serif;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Hi \par\par\b Sub : Test
data\b0\par\parThis text is in raw RTF format.\parThis when pasted in
a word document\parneeds to be formatted.\par\parThanks\parSenthil
kumar S\b\par\b0\i\parHCL Technologies Ltd.,\parNoida.\i0}

Your help will be very much appreciated.

Best Regards,
Senthil Kumar

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Senthil,

There is no mechanism that allows you to put RTF into a Word document
and have it magically transformed into formatted text. A converter is
required. Word's built-in converters execute when you open an RTF file,
use Insert/File, or when pasting RTF from the clipboard.

For the scenario you describe, your best bet could be to save the RTF
to a file, then use an IncludeText field to pick this up. The field can
then be unlinked to turn the content into document text.

Or go the Clipboard route.
I am doing a mail merge implementation in VB6.0.
I have a raw unformatted RTF data in my VB6.0 Application.
This need to be merged to a new word document. When the RTF
data (which contains Bold, italics, Underline, etc.,) is merged
I need the RTF to be formatted and displayed.

When I assign the text to the Selection.Text property of the
ActiveWindow it doesn't format it.

I even tried doing it using the Clipboard object. I copied it to the
Clipboard by calling the SetText method and giving the format as
and then when I tried to paste the contents from the clipboard by
calling the GetText method it pasted the raw unformatted RTF text in
the word document.

But when I open a new word document and press CTRL-V it gets pasted
with the formating done.

I am attaching a sample of the text which I need to format when
displayed in Word document.

MS Sans Serif;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Hi \par\par\b Sub : Test
data\b0\par\parThis text is in raw RTF format.\parThis when pasted in
a word document\parneeds to be formatted.\par\parThanks\parSenthil
kumar S\b\par\b0\i\parHCL Technologies Ltd.,\parNoida.\i0}

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

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