Formatting - Splitting Text



There are several fields stored in a field for guest information that I need
to format. Specifically, Zip Code and Phone Number.

Both fields are stored as text, and without any symbols. For example,
someone with a zip code of 12345-1234 is stored as "123451234". Another
example, and probably easier to understand: someone with a phone number of
(555) 123-4567 would have their number stored as "5551234567".

I am trying to print these in a merged Word document by linking to a query.
However, the numbers are of course printing as: 5551234567, instead of the
desired: (555) 123-4567.

I was able to format the dates and times as I wanted them... for example:
TourDay: Format([tourdate],"dddd"", ""mmmm d"", ""yyyy")
CheckOut: Format([CheckOutTime],"hh:nn AM/PM")

I don't see how I can do anything that with a string though. I've already
searched through the help files and the forum... does anyone know of a
function that I can use to have the query produce hits in the correct format?

Thanks a million!


'69 Camaro

Hi, Nick.
does anyone know of a
function that I can use to have the query produce hits in the correct format?

Use a user-defined format. Try:

Zip: Format(ZipCode, "#####-####")
Phone: Format(PhoneNum, "(###) ###-####")


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Tatakau said:
There are several fields stored in a field for guest information that I need
to format. Specifically, Zip Code and Phone Number.

Both fields are stored as text, and without any symbols. For example,
someone with a zip code of 12345-1234 is stored as "123451234". Another
example, and probably easier to understand: someone with a phone number of
(555) 123-4567 would have their number stored as "5551234567".

I am trying to print these in a merged Word document by linking to a query.
However, the numbers are of course printing as: 5551234567, instead of the
desired: (555) 123-4567.

I was able to format the dates and times as I wanted them... for example:
TourDay: Format([tourdate],"dddd"", ""mmmm d"", ""yyyy")
CheckOut: Format([CheckOutTime],"hh:nn AM/PM")

I don't see how I can do anything that with a string though. I've already
searched through the help files and the forum... does anyone know of a
function that I can use to have the query produce hits in the correct format?

Thanks a million!


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