Formatting styles with centred text and tabs




This one seems so easy, and yet I just can't figure it out.

Here's the situation. I'm formatting a TOC style, and I have the 'paragraph'
defined as 'centred'. I'd like a tab which, when I hit it, will align itself
with the right margin. This in itself is not a problem. However, as soon as I
hit the tab, the 'centred' heading zips over to align itself with my left
margin. The tab aligns itself correctly on the right, but the text is no
longer centred. How do I keep the text centred with the tab stop sitting on
the right margin?

Any suggestions anyone might be kind enough to give me would be much

(I'm trying to get around the problem of the dreaded 'Jason' tabs).

Thanks in advance.


Jay Freedman

The 'centred' paragraph formatting is going to be useless for this.
Revert to left-alignment. Then insert _two_ tab stops: a
centre-alignment stop at the centre of the text column, and a
right-aligned tab at the right margin. To see something like this,
look at the default Header and Footer styles.

After formatting a paragraph with this style: press Tab at the left
margin, insert the text, press Tab again, and insert the page number.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.



Thanks very much for your clear reply. If only Word's 'mysteries' were all
as easy to solve as that one...


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