I have a large table in a document (Word 2003 SP2). It has 4 columns and
several rows. The first column is a measurement name. For the first
measurement name, i.e. "row 1" (a "major" row), columns 2, 3, and 4 are
sub-divided into up to 11 more rows ("minor" rows) with data (epoch, value,
and notes) for that measurement. Major rows 2 through n are handled the same
way. I want to unset the flag "Allow row to break across pages" so that the
measurement will always appear on the same page with the rest of the data,
but this flag appears to only work with the minor rows. When I used page
breaks to manually force a break at a major row, the header rows quit
repeating. Is there a solution to this problem?
Thank you.
several rows. The first column is a measurement name. For the first
measurement name, i.e. "row 1" (a "major" row), columns 2, 3, and 4 are
sub-divided into up to 11 more rows ("minor" rows) with data (epoch, value,
and notes) for that measurement. Major rows 2 through n are handled the same
way. I want to unset the flag "Allow row to break across pages" so that the
measurement will always appear on the same page with the rest of the data,
but this flag appears to only work with the minor rows. When I used page
breaks to manually force a break at a major row, the header rows quit
repeating. Is there a solution to this problem?
Thank you.