Formatting the end result.... Why??



Hi All,

I have a simple report that is basically creating a snapshot of IT issues
that i would like to have on paper format on a weekly basis.

I pull from 3 tables,

Issue #
Received Date
Client Region
Client User
Issue Title
Issue details

I then have a page break after Issue Details. All of this is within the
detail area. In the footer area i only have a date.

Sometimes the details extend the length of the record far past the space of
a single page and has a result it continues onto the next page. The break
occurs from what i can tell in the right location, however there is a
problem.... Every now and then a blank page is created. Sometimes there is
even two of them.. What would cause this??? I have not bee able to track
it down and it is a real nuisance!!!! At first i thought it was simply
empty space that was being inputted in the record itself, but that was not
it.. It is causing a 40 page report to be 70 pages...

PLUS, it gets that much worse when i attempt to export it to RTF so that i
can email to specific people..

Any suggestions on how i can eliminate this?


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