Creating a document (contract) from a CSV file.
Has 1,500 paragraphs and six styles, four Headings, Body Text and
numbered list (of my own design, gave up trying to sort out Word's
somewhat esoteric-for me at least!- method) .
There are no tables/borders etc. in the document (which I understand,
from "Googling", can cause this error).
I add the input text to the end of the document and apply a style that
comes from the CSV file.
It works very well except I started getting the subject error message
advising me to "Full save" the file.
I put a counter in and used it to trigger a save every 100 paragraphs -
works ok.
Cindy Meister advised me that Word is probably hitting it's "Scratch
file" limit.
Can I trap this error and force a save vs. using my counter?
Right now it's value is an arbitrary # as I have no idea what Word is
basing it's decision on. I have to add two more styles and would rather
not have to keep trying to guess the point at which I have to save.
Tried an "On Error" but, as I figured, it didn't recognize the event.
Creating a document (contract) from a CSV file.
Has 1,500 paragraphs and six styles, four Headings, Body Text and
numbered list (of my own design, gave up trying to sort out Word's
somewhat esoteric-for me at least!- method) .
There are no tables/borders etc. in the document (which I understand,
from "Googling", can cause this error).
I add the input text to the end of the document and apply a style that
comes from the CSV file.
It works very well except I started getting the subject error message
advising me to "Full save" the file.
I put a counter in and used it to trigger a save every 100 paragraphs -
works ok.
Cindy Meister advised me that Word is probably hitting it's "Scratch
file" limit.
Can I trap this error and force a save vs. using my counter?
Right now it's value is an arbitrary # as I have no idea what Word is
basing it's decision on. I have to add two more styles and would rather
not have to keep trying to guess the point at which I have to save.
Tried an "On Error" but, as I figured, it didn't recognize the event.