"Formatting too complex, pls full save" from Word/SAP on CITRIX s


Lisa M

Applications involved: Reports printed from SAP apparently using Word 2002.
SAP/Word accessed via Citrix MetaFrame 4.0 (Build 2198) on a Windows 2003
Server (with Office XP SP3).

An off-site group of users log into a CITRIX server here to access SAP and
print many small individual reports(20-30K apiece) from SAP. These reports
are just short text with a header and footer, and don't appear to have any
tables in them. SAP allows users to select up to 100 reports at a time to
print via checkboxes. The reports start to print, but MSWord's "formatting
too complex.." error occurs after about 20 jobs have printed. So we assume
Word is being used to format the documents somehow.

We must click thru several identical "formatting too complex..." error msgs
in Word to get rid of them.

We have made sure Fast Saves and Track Changes are turned off in Word;
applied Office XP SP3; tried the "Update to Match Selection" workaround in
Format/Styles and Formatting in Word (KB Article 292174), and checked CITRIX
discussion groups for clues, finding none.

Are there any additional things we could check or look for from a Word

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?TGlzYSBN?=,

A couple of things that occur to me:

The error message usually indicates Word is running out of resources for the
scratch files that are required when documents are being edited.

1. Is the SAP tool closing (and thus releasing) each file before processing the

2. Is enough file space allotted to the folders where these files are being

3. Does this location have sufficient permissions for Word to not only create,
but also destroy the scratch/temporary files as it works?
An off-site group of users log into a CITRIX server here to access SAP and
print many small individual reports(20-30K apiece) from SAP. These reports
are just short text with a header and footer, and don't appear to have any
tables in them. SAP allows users to select up to 100 reports at a time to
print via checkboxes. The reports start to print, but MSWord's "formatting
too complex.." error occurs after about 20 jobs have printed. So we assume
Word is being used to format the documents somehow.

We must click thru several identical "formatting too complex..." error msgs
in Word to get rid of them.

We have made sure Fast Saves and Track Changes are turned off in Word;
applied Office XP SP3; tried the "Update to Match Selection" workaround in
Format/Styles and Formatting in Word (KB Article 292174), and checked CITRIX
discussion groups for clues, finding none.

Are there any additional things we could check or look for from a Word

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Lisa M

Thanks for the reply, Cindy. I will check these things out and let you know
what I find.

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