If I had a speadsheet that had the labels Order Data, Customer Data, and
Salesman's data in Column A with the associated data in column B as the
one side of an order and in rows C-F I had the associated order details;
Description, qty, cost, total...can such a format be done using an XML file?
ColA ColB Desc Cost Qty Tot
Order# 15 Blue ribbon .15 10 $1.50
OrdDate 7/11/2009 Green ribbon .20 5 $1.00
Customer Joe Blow Red ribbon .10 30 $3.00
Address 123 A St
Salesman Henry Smith
Phone 555-123-4567
Order# 16 White ribbon .11 10 $1.10
OrdDate 7/11/2009 Green ribbon .20 8 $1.60
Customer Sally Sue
Address 456 B Ave
Salesman Dave Jones
Phone 555-444-3333
Order# 17 Tan ribbon .40 10 $4.00
OrdDate 7/12/2009
Customer Sally Sue
Address 543 C Dr
Salesman Amy Marks
Phone 555-333-2222
I can't figure out how to do multiple records. Is it possible to do so
in Excel?
Salesman's data in Column A with the associated data in column B as the
one side of an order and in rows C-F I had the associated order details;
Description, qty, cost, total...can such a format be done using an XML file?
ColA ColB Desc Cost Qty Tot
Order# 15 Blue ribbon .15 10 $1.50
OrdDate 7/11/2009 Green ribbon .20 5 $1.00
Customer Joe Blow Red ribbon .10 30 $3.00
Address 123 A St
Salesman Henry Smith
Phone 555-123-4567
Order# 16 White ribbon .11 10 $1.10
OrdDate 7/11/2009 Green ribbon .20 8 $1.60
Customer Sally Sue
Address 456 B Ave
Salesman Dave Jones
Phone 555-444-3333
Order# 17 Tan ribbon .40 10 $4.00
OrdDate 7/12/2009
Customer Sally Sue
Address 543 C Dr
Salesman Amy Marks
Phone 555-333-2222
I can't figure out how to do multiple records. Is it possible to do so
in Excel?