I have a template that looks up data for various years. When I do the
vlookup it looks for the same iidentifier on each sheet. My problem is that
when I iinput the identifier one or two years comes out okay but the 3rd year
has na in the cells. Is there a way to set up each sheet with the same
formatting? It is not consistant in that when I put another identifier the
2nd & 3rd year is okay but not 1st. I have tried to set each year identifier
as general, but that does not seem to work. Any help will be greatley
I have a template that looks up data for various years. When I do the
vlookup it looks for the same iidentifier on each sheet. My problem is that
when I iinput the identifier one or two years comes out okay but the 3rd year
has na in the cells. Is there a way to set up each sheet with the same
formatting? It is not consistant in that when I put another identifier the
2nd & 3rd year is okay but not 1st. I have tried to set each year identifier
as general, but that does not seem to work. Any help will be greatley