


I am trying to format a blanket document to have those
gray shaded boxes which prompt you to click and type
whatever info you choose to be requested ... anyone know
how I can do that?



You can use MACROBUTTON Fields saved in a document

For example, type: Macrobutton NoMacro "Click and type
your name here"
Select the entire expression and press CTRL+F9
Right Click and press toggle field codes.

Charles Kenyon

And once you have one of these, you can save it as an AutoText entry if you


Ok, that seems to work to a certain extent, but I am
looking to have the gray background stay there so it is
visible that something needs to be entered there.

Charles Kenyon

That would be a form field inserted using the Forms toolbar. That is what
Word calls an "online form." Check this in help. For more about online
forms, follow the links at or especially Dian
Chapman's series of articles. Normally these are used in "protected" mode so
that only your fields can be changed.

Otherwise, with macrobutton fields, you can use F11 to go to the next field.
I type the prompt portion of my macrobuttons "[Click here and type]" in red
and bold. That formatting switches off when something is typed in.

Hope this helps,


Excellent, exactly what I am looking for, thanks for your
help. Have a great day!
-----Original Message-----
That would be a form field inserted using the Forms toolbar. That is what
Word calls an "online form." Check this in help. For more about online
forms, follow the links at or m especially Dian
Chapman's series of articles. Normally these are used in "protected" mode so
that only your fields can be changed.

Otherwise, with macrobutton fields, you can use F11 to go to the next field.
I type the prompt portion of my macrobuttons "[Click here and type]" in red
and bold. That formatting switches off when something is typed in.

Hope this helps,

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: which is awesome!
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and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.
Ok, that seems to work to a certain extent, but I am
looking to have the gray background stay there so it is
visible that something needs to be entered there.


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