

Philip Drury

Have a spreadsheet that is being used to record customer enquiries, have used
conditional formatting to change the colour of the row if the enquiry goes
over a set amount of days - however, have been asked to change the
spreadsheet so that when the user enters a completion date in the relevant
cell, the row will turn grey and the conditional formatting ignored. Can
anyone help me with this?

JE McGimpsey

Set two conditions - the first if there's a completion date, turning the
row grey, the second changing the color if the enquiry's over the limit.

Philip Drury

The conditional formatting is set that if the enquiry is within 5 days of
todays date the row is green, if it is between 5 & 7 the row is amber and
then it turns red if the enquiry date is over 7 days - the downside to this
is that any rows without any data entered are red all the time! Conditional
formatting will only allow 3 conditions so I am at a loss how to make the row
turn greay when the user enters a completion date, does that make sense?

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