FormField Vertical Text


Corey ....

I have set up a A4 Folder cover with 2 fields.
1 for the Folder Title
and another for a footer.

The folder also has a binder section to allow a narrow sleeve to be

I placed a field here also, and it has text placed into it from the field
that has the folder title.
But as the binder section is very narrow, i want the field to be turned
sideways to allow for a larger font and the tect be be readable when the
folder is on the shelf.

Is this possible, if so how ?


Doug Robbins - Word MVP on

Put the field inside the cell of a table and rotate it through 90° by using
the Text Direction facility that is available for text in a table.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via

Corey ....

Thanks Doug.
Just found the text direction in the Table, but i did not know a Field could
be placed in a table cell.
That will do excellent.

Thanks for the info.



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