Forms and Access


Thomas Robb

Yesterday, I posted the message below:

*I have two web pages with separate forms that both dump
into one Access database (two separate tables). The
forms have worked consistently for the past 6 months or
so. Within the past few weeks, for some unknown reason,
they stopped working.

The confirmation page appears when you hit submit, but
the data does not show up in Access. I went to "Form
Properties" and checked the database connection, looked
at each form field and ensured they were mapped to the
correct location in Access, and clicked save. With
subsequent testing, I was unsuccessful.

I went onto the Adminstration Home Page (Tools->server-
Administration Home) to ensure the settings were how I
have had them for the past 6 months and they are.
Anonymous Access is turned OFF. Users have to put a user
name and password in that is common to all users
(assigned to the contributor role). I tried
Recalculating the Web to see if that would work. No
success as of yet.

On the "Version Control", what should those settings be?
Should I use built in or none? What is "Source Control"
and do I need this turned on. Currently, it is set
at "None" and I didn't change it. Doesn't mean our IT
department didn't do so, but let me know.

Is there anything else I can check without having to
recreate both forms? Is there some settings on the
Server that need to be in place. Microsoft Server
Extensions are installed on the server and I am using FP

Your anticipated help is appreciated.*

Your reply on 8/9/2004 was this

*Diagnosing Errors Saving a Form to a Database
Jim Buyens Microsoft FrontPage MVP Author*

This did not give me any errors when I put an apostrophe
in column 1 and viewed the page with the http://URL. I
removed the apostrophe and saved it. The form data will
go into the Access database if I do the form on my
computer, but will not do so on another users computer.
I have tested it with 5 different machines and the only
one that works is if I access the web page off my machine.


Earlier today you responded with this message

Was the server recently upgrade to Windows 2003 or have
you upgraded to FrontPage 2003?

You don't need to have Source Control enable unless you
have more than one developer working on the
site content and want to enable the checking In/Out of

I replied with this message

No, we did not recently upgrade to Windows 2003 or FP
2003. I am using FP 2002.

You replied with this message

Subject: Re: Form Data and Access
From: "Thomas A. Rowe" <[email protected]> Sent:
8/10/2004 12:37:33 PM

Ok, then for each web, etc. open in FP, then Tools | Web
Settings | Database, delete and recreate
each connection.

My newest reply

I did this and still no luck ONLY from other users
computers besides my own.

Jim Buyens

Regarding this advice:

Ok, then for each web, etc. open in FP, then
Tools | Web Settings | Database, delete and
recreate each connection.

You did this on each machine, right? Not just on your own,
after which you published?

The database in inside your Web site, right? It's not
somewhere like c:\mydb ?

How are you publishing to these other machines? Through
FrontPage Server Extensions? Via FTP?

In all cases, you're browsing the page using an http://
URL, right?

Are you sure the ASP code is running? For example, if you
browse the page from a machine where the data entry fails,
then View Source, no <% and %> tags appear?

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

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