God, but I feel dumb.
Folks, I support MS Office for a living, but my specialties are all
related to hacking the registry and making the things work... not
building databases with it.
So, I have to eat a slice of humble pie, tonight.
I have made a -very- simple database. There's only 3 fields: BookID,
Title, and IssueNumber. I'm catologuing my comicbook collection to
sell. I set this all up, it works fine. BookID is the key.
I then made a simple form for data entry. It automatically generates
the BookID and I fill in the Title and Issue number manually.
I have about 3000 comicbooks to go. After about 20 entries, I realized
this was going to be a long trip.
After playing around with combo boxes for hours, I'm now pulling my
hair out.
In the Title entry point of my Form, I just want to be able to start
typing the comic's name, and if I've already typed it before, have the
silly thing auto-fill the box. If I haven't typed it before, then I
just want the Form to let me add a new value to the feild.
In other words, I want to click on the Title feild on my Form, start
typing "UNCA" and have it automatically fill in "UNCANNY X-MEN". Then,
let me add onto it, so I can change the feild then to UNCANNY X-MEN:
AGE of APOCALYPSE and the silly thing not have a heart attack because
that value isn't in the table already.
Can anyone help a girl out?
Folks, I support MS Office for a living, but my specialties are all
related to hacking the registry and making the things work... not
building databases with it.
So, I have to eat a slice of humble pie, tonight.
I have made a -very- simple database. There's only 3 fields: BookID,
Title, and IssueNumber. I'm catologuing my comicbook collection to
sell. I set this all up, it works fine. BookID is the key.
I then made a simple form for data entry. It automatically generates
the BookID and I fill in the Title and Issue number manually.
I have about 3000 comicbooks to go. After about 20 entries, I realized
this was going to be a long trip.
After playing around with combo boxes for hours, I'm now pulling my
hair out.
In the Title entry point of my Form, I just want to be able to start
typing the comic's name, and if I've already typed it before, have the
silly thing auto-fill the box. If I haven't typed it before, then I
just want the Form to let me add a new value to the feild.
In other words, I want to click on the Title feild on my Form, start
typing "UNCA" and have it automatically fill in "UNCANNY X-MEN". Then,
let me add onto it, so I can change the feild then to UNCANNY X-MEN:
AGE of APOCALYPSE and the silly thing not have a heart attack because
that value isn't in the table already.
Can anyone help a girl out?