forms and filters help


Nirav Patel

Hi. I am new to this newsgroup thing. I have a multiuser database that has
user id and login infomation in a workgroup file to maintain user level
security. The database is split and we are creating packages using the
packagin wizard to distribute runtime version of the app in a enterprise
network. Currently there are 70 plus users. I inherited the database
because I seem to be the most database savy at the company. I am a novice at
this database. Here is what I am trying to do:

User enter data using a add record form that populated several main input
table. The record is identified by the owner (first name last name).
Unfortunetly the loging stored in the workgroup file is based on a concated
for of the first initial and last name. How can I pass the user id such that
when a user opens a form it will automatically filter for only his records.
I would like to stay away from having to use a macro since I am re-creatign
the database with code. I thought about creating a seperate link table that
has the current user login (first initial last name) as well as first name
last name. Can someone help this novice out please. I am not good with
code, so I will need very good directions.



Damian S

Hi Nirav,

You could pass the userid as a parameter to the form, or simply grab the
UserID using the CurrentUser method in your code, eg:

dim strUser as string

strUser = CurrentUser

You don't say how the First Name, Last Name combination is currently being
set in the record... either use the same method to retrieve them and filter
the form on them, or use a lookup table like you have just suggested.

Is this enough info to get you started?


Nirav Patel

The first Name Last name combination is being set as first last (so for
example) Bill Clinton would be set as Bill Clinton. The
userid/currentuser/login id is set as BClinton. Do you have a samaple of the
lookup code as well. Im really not good with this stuff.

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